About This Software The SteamVR Performance Test measures your system's rendering power using a 2-minute sequence from Valves Aperture Robot Repair VR demo. After collecting the data it determines whether your system is capable of running VR content at 90fps and whether VR content can tune the visual fidelity up to the recommended level. For machines that are not VR Ready the tool can help determine whether capabilities are bound by Graphics Card, CPU, or both. 7aa9394dea Title: SteamVR Performance TestGenre: UtilitiesDeveloper:ValveRelease Date: 22 Feb, 2016 SteamVR Performance Test Cheat 10\/10 needs a sequel. I downloaded the software and it said my computer was not VR ready. I have a gaming laptop with an intel I7, 16 gigs of RAM, and a GTX 960m (the laptop version of a GTX 960). I got an HTC Vive and tried it on my laptop, and while some of the more graphically demanding games don't work, most of them do. I have done google earth vr, universe sandbox, zombie training simulator, irrational exuberance, and others. Although the framerate is sometimes not the best, I haven't really had much of a problem with motion sickness, and it has not subtracted from the experience significantly. So while it is not the best for VR, it still works. I hope this helps anyone thinking about getting a vive.If I could vote in the middle of "yes" and "no" on this, I would, because it said that it was using my intel graphics card and not my NVIDIA to do the test. But according to other posts, it actually IS using my NVIDIA but just not telling me it is?? That is one problem I would say the developers must work out.. I bought a whole new graphics card just to beat the final boss. Beware if you feel like selling your left kidney to finish this game.. My computer is somewhat ready. My checking account is not. Plus, my mom said no more toys until I clean my room. I reminded her that I'm 44 and don't live at home anymore. She grounded me. When I finally get my VR system, I'm going to be the coolest guy in town. Girls will be beating down my front door. That'll show my mom that I was right all along.Now I'm going to clean my room to be able to take advantage of room-scale VR, NOT because my mom said so. I mean it. I'm my own man now, and I don't care what my mom says.*Mama, if you read this, I was hacked by the Russians. They're everywhere, Mama. Will you make me some grits and eggs? Thanks. I love you!. I'm really grateful for this piece of software -- my computer is pushing the 3 year mark in terms of age, and this very VR test helped steer me towards my next possible upgrade! Quick story, so my computer was about 3 years old, rocking an old Zotac GTX 670 4GB video card. When I initially did the test about 5-6 months ago, it said nope! Not ready.The software didn't just stop there, it actually recommended something huge: basically the software not only confirmed my VR incapabilities, but it also helped me upgrade my computer!Instead of waiting to build a brand new rig, it recommended I pick up a new graphics card that could support VR. Wow am I happy with the test software! Edit: So basically I went from a no-go, deal breaker on VR to an "You're ready for VR!"\\m\/ Valve, you rock! \\m\/. ez 0% under 90 fpss ez gtx1080ezz no money. Tester does not see my NVIDIA card, only focuses on the onboard INTEL GPU. Need an option to select which VIDEO CARD to use. As a result, test is not accurate and will not advise correct information for my system!!!!. My bank did the same test, with different result... I guess I'll wait then
SteamVR Performance Test Cheat
Updated: Mar 23, 2020